Far Cry 5 if I Buy a Gun and Lose It Do I Buy It Again

Its still at that place y'all tin can swap information technology back out if you demand to at no price.
Explore the menus.

Everything you buy becomes automatically bachelor within the store. To equip your burglarize over again, but get the category it pertains to, and reassign information technology to your weapon wheel or grid.

tried most things simply ? it says owned ?

When yous choose to customize a weapon yous already ain, it volition requite y'all choice to bandy out for electric current weapon.

You likewise have to right-click it in the menu with a mouse, or whatever that is on controller I don't know, but that's what yous have to practise to be able to modify a weapon.

Originally posted by Frostbringer:

When yous choose to customize a weapon you lot already own, it volition give you choice to swap out for current weapon.

This is a problem with the game imo , if you buy a weapon it asisgns it to ? slot 1 which then dumps your best or favourite weapon , not only that if you hang on to the E key to long when looting you tin lose information technology that manner

Originally posted by Shadow:

Originally posted past Frostbringer:

When you lot cull to customize a weapon you already own, it will requite you option to bandy out for current weapon.
This is a trouble with the game imo , if you purchase a weapon information technology asisgns it to ? slot 1 which and then dumps your best or favourite weapon , non but that if yous hang on to the E cardinal to long when annexation you can lose it that way

No new weapons are automatically assigned to slots, it but happens when you equip them.

Originally posted by Shadow:

Originally posted past Frostbringer:

When you choose to customize a weapon y'all already own, information technology volition give you option to swap out for current weapon.
This is a problem with the game imo , if you buy a weapon it assigns it to ? slot ane which and so dumps your best or favorite weapon , not only that if you hang on to the E key to long when looting you lot can lose information technology that manner

You lot chose the slot it goes to when swapping out in the shop. You assign it subsequently you unlock more weapon slots via perks, defualt when starting is whatever weapon you are carrying in either your "two handed" weapon- bow/rifle, or your "one-handed"weapon- pistol.

for looting, just make sure y'all are looting and not swapping out weapons. Its not hard to effigy that out after a few tries.

Could it be an easier system? Certain, but its the mode it is now.

Last edited by ~; 9 Apr, 2022 @ 1:04pm

This is the 2nd fourth dimension this has happened, no slots available as far as i tin can come across
and ? Store ? or Store
thats about it , buy some matter = lose your best weapon

Terminal edited by ~; nine Apr, 2022 @ one:08pm

Originally posted by Shadow:

i cannot get it dorsum in the Store and i`am in a senario in the game / finish this mission , at that place are no shops or traders any where well-nigh

How did you take that pick if yous aren't in a shop?

I've dropped weapons before to grab new ones that I found, never had them non be bachelor to swap back out.

Could you have swapped it for a looted weapon recently, and the game can yet "see" that its in the general area you lot are in, similar on the ground near a npc you recently killed?

Originally posted by Shadow:

i cannot get it back in the Store and i`am in a senario in the game / finish this mission , there are no shops or traders whatever where most

Originally posted by Shadow:

This is the second time this has happened, no slots available every bit far equally i can see
and ? Shop ? or Shop
thats about information technology , buy some thing = lose your best weapon

Browsing the shop through the menu is non the same as going to a weapons trader, you tin merely swap weapons by doing the latter. The store bill of fare will only let you purchase stuff.

The rifle y'all bought is still at that place, it says "Owned' for a reason. Simply head to a weapons trader, marked with the light-green gun icon, and swap information technology back.

Originally posted by Frostbringer:

Originally posted by Shadow:

i cannot get information technology back in the Store and i`am in a senario in the game / finish this mission , in that location are no shops or traders whatsoever where most

How did you take that pick if yous aren't in a store?

I've dropped weapons before to grab new ones that I found, never had them not be available to swap back out.

Could you have swapped it for a looted weapon recently, and the game can still "see" that its in the general expanse you are in, like on the ground about a npc you recently killed?

No i did not lose it via the boodle pick , that screen shot is in the shop , not a trading store on the mao or a dealer seller on the map ,
in that location are no traders or shops near on the map , the game insists i finish this this mission
ss coming upwards

Last edited by ~; ix April, 2022 @ 1:17pm

Originally posted past Shadow:

Originally posted past Frostbringer:

How did y'all take that pick if you aren't in a store?

I've dropped weapons before to grab new ones that I found, never had them not be bachelor to swap back out.

Could you have swapped information technology for a looted weapon recently, and the game can still "see" that its in the general expanse you are in, similar on the ground near a npc you recently killed?

No i did not lose it via the loot option , that screen shot is in the store , not a trading shop on the mao or a dealer seller on the map ,

Did you read what I merely said?

Just become to on that folio, click on weapon with Correct Mouse Button, and you tin put in to your Weapon wheel.

Shish ! what is and then hard with that ?!

Whatever weapon brought is still in shop or merchant, and y'all can equip whatever time.

Concluding edited by kmarkopl; ix April, 2022 @ 1:25pm


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/552520/discussions/0/1696043806573382737/

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