100 Greatest Works of Art of All Time Book

The I Hundred
Greatest Novels

THE 1 HUNDRED GREATEST NOVELS OF ALL TIME Nosotros all love lists . . . well let'south stir the waters with an aggressive 1 highlighting
the 100 best novels.  Be warned:  this ranking is based on cranky and
subjective standards.  (Merely aren't they all?)
1.    Marcel Proust  Remembrance of Things By "The simply paradise is a paradise lost." 2.    Fyodor Dostoevsky  The Brothers Karamozov "If God is dead, and so all things are permitted." 3.    Thomas Isle of man,  The Magic Mount "Fourth dimension has no divisions to mark its passage, at that place is never a thunder-storm or
blare of trumpets to denote the beginning of a new month or year. Even
when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off
four.    Henry James  The Ambassadors "The right fourth dimension is any time that one is still so lucky as to have." 5.    Miguel de Cervantes  Don Quixote "For the love of God, sir knight errant, if you always encounter me over again, please, fifty-fifty
if you see me existence cutting into piddling pieces, don't rush to my aid or try to help
me, but merely permit me be miserable, because no matter what they're doing to me
it couldn't be worse than what will happen if your grace helps, so may God
expletive you and every knight errant who'due south ever been built-in in the globe."
6.    Herman Melville  Moby Dick "Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the terminal I
grapple with thee; from hell's eye I stab at thee; for detest'southward sake I spit my
final breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common puddle! and
since neither tin be mine, allow me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee,
though tied to thee, g damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear!"
7.    William Faulkner  Absalom, Absalom! "I learned little save that well-nigh of the deeds, good and bad both, incurring
opprobrium or plaudits or reward either, within the telescopic of man'due south abilities,
had already been performed and were to be learned about only from books."
8.    Leo Tolstoy  State of war and Peace "A idea that had long since and ofttimes occured to him during his military
activities -- the idea that there is not and cannot be any science of war, and
that therefore in that location can exist no such matter equally a military genius -- at present appeared
to him an obvious truth."
ix.    Henry Fielding  Tom Jones "Jenny replied to this with a bitterness which might have surprized a judicious
person, who had observed the tranquility with which she bore all the affronts
to her chastity; but her patience was mayhap tired out, for this is a virtue
which is very apt to exist drawn by practise."
10.  Mark Twain  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn "Merely that's always the fashion; it don't make no departure whether yous exercise right
or wrong, a person's conscience ain't got no sense, and just goes for him
anyway. . . . It takes upward more room than all the residuum of a person's insides, and
nonetheless ain't no good, nohow. Tom Sawyer thinks the same."
11.  Gabriel García Márquez 1 Hundred Years of Confinement "Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was
to remember that afar afternoon when his father took him to observe ice."
12.  Henry James  The Wings of the Pigeon "Never was a consciousness more rounded and fastened down over what filled
it; which is precisely what we have spoken of every bit, in its caste, the oppression
of success, the somewhat chilled country - disposed to the solitary - of supreme
thirteen.  Fyodor Dostoevsky  Crime and Punishment "I like them to talk nonsense. That's man'south 1 privilege over all creation.
Through error you come to the truth! I am a man because I err! You never
reach any truth without making 14 mistakes and very likely a hundred
and fourteen."
14.  Charles Dickens  Great Expectations "It ain't that I am proud, but that I want to be right, as y'all shall never see me
no more in these dress. I'm wrong in these clothes. I'm wrong out of the
forge, the kitchen, or off th' meshes. Y'all won't observe one-half and then much error in me if
you think of me in my forge dress, with my hammer in my hand, or even my
pipe. You lot won't find half and so much fault in me if, supposing equally you lot should ever
wish to see me, you lot come up and put your head in at the forge window and see
Joe the blacksmith, there, at the sometime anvil, in the former burnt frock, sticking to
the old work. I'thousand awful dull, but I hope I've shell something nigh the rights
of this at concluding. And and so God anoint you, dearest old Pip, old chap, God bless you!"
fifteen.  Victor Hugo  Les Misérables "What can be done in hell?  They sang.  For where there is no more hope,
vocal remains."
xvi.  Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single homo in possession of a
good fortune, must be in want of a wife"
17.  Fyodor Dostoevsky  The Idiot "And where on earth did I get the idea that you were an idiot?  You e'er
find what other people pass by unnoticed."
18.  Ernest Hemingway  The Sun Also Rises "In bull-fighting they speak of the terrain of the balderdash and the terrain of the bull-
fighter. Every bit long as a bull-fighter stays in his own terrain he is comparatively
safe. Each time he enters into the terrain of the bull he is in smashing danger."
nineteen.  Hermann Broch  The Sleepwalkers "There are evenings in leap when the twilight lasts far longer than the
astronomically prescribed period. And so a sparse smoky mist sinks over the urban center
and gives it the subdued suspense of evenings preceding a holiday. And at the
same fourth dimension it is equally if this subdued, stake grey mist had netted and so much light that
brighter strands remain in it even when it has become quite blackness and velvety."
twenty.  Franz Kafka  The Trial "It is not necessary to accept everything as truthful, one must only take it as
21.  James Joyce  Ulysses "History, said Stephen, is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake." 22.  Gustave Flaubert  Madame Bovary "She repeated to herself, "I have a lover! I have a lover!" and the thought gave
her a delicious thrill, as though she were start a 2nd puberty. At terminal
she was going to possess the joys of honey, that fever of happiness she had
despaired of ever knowing. She was entering a marvelous realm in which
everything would be passion, ecstasy and rapture; she was surrounded past
vast expanses of bluish space, summits of intense feeling sparkled before her
eyes, and everyday life appeared far beneath in the shadows between these
23.  F. Scott Fitzgerald  The Swell Gatsby "So we crush on, boats against the current, borne dorsum ceaselessly into the
24.  William Faulkner  The Sound and the Fury "Did you ever take a sister? did you?" 25.  George Eliot  Middlemarch "Signs are modest measurable things, but interpretations are illimitable, and in
girls of sweet, ardent nature, every sign is apt to conjure up wonder, promise,
belief, vast as a sky, and colored by a diffused thimbleful of matter in the
shape of noesis."
26.  Ralph Ellison  Invisible Human being "I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I,
and merely I, could reply. It took me a long time and much painful
boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else
appears to have been born with: That I am nobody but myself. But start I had
to discover that I am an invisible human being!"
27.  Henry James  The Gilded Basin "She kept her eyes on him every bit if, though unsatisfied, mystified, she yet had a
fancy for the bowl. 'Not even if the thing should come to pieces?" And then equally
he was silent: "Not fifty-fifty if he should have to say to me "The Aureate Bowl is

"He was notwithstanding silent; later on which he had his strangest smile. 'Ah if any i
should WANT to smash it--!'

"She laughed; she nearly admired the niggling man's expression. 'Y'all mean 1
could nail it with a hammer?'

"'Yes, if cypher else would exercise. Or perhaps fifty-fifty by dashing information technology with violence--
say upon a marble floor.'

28.  Stendhal   The Red and the Black "A novel is a mirror that strolls forth a highway. Now it reflects the blue of the
skies, now the mud puddles underfoot."
29.  Henry James  The Portrait of a Lady "Money's a horrid thing to follow, only a mannerly thing to run across." 30.  Leo Tolstoy  Anna Karenina "All happy families resemble 1 another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its
own manner."
31.  Joseph Conrad Eye of Darkness "He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision--he cried out twice, a cry
that was no more a breath: 'The horror! The horror!'"
32.  Virginia Woolf  To the Lighthouse "What people had shed and left - a pair of shoes, a shooting cap, some faded
skirts and coats in wardrobes - these alone kept the human being shape and in the
emptiness indicated how once they were filled and blithe; how once easily
were decorated with hooks and buttons; how once the looking glass had held a
33.  William Thackeray  Vanity Fair "A woman with fair opportunities, and without an absolute hump, may marry
whom she likes."
34.  Ivan Turgenev  Fathers and Sons "Yeah, there used to exist Hegelists and now in that location are nihilists. We shall encounter how
you will manage to be in the empty airless void; and now band, please,
brother Nikolai, information technology's fourth dimension for me to drinkable my cocoa."
35.  Vladimir Nabokov  Pale Fire "I am the shadow of the waxwing slain by the false azure of the window pane" 36.  Saul Bellow The Adventures of Augie March "I am an American, Chicago built-in—Chicago, that somber city—and go at things
as I have taught myself, free manner, and will make the tape in my ain way:
kickoff to knock, starting time admitted; sometimes an innocent knock, sometimes a not
then innocent."
37.  Charles Dickens  Bleak House "Jarndyce and Jarndyce drones on. This scarecrow of a arrange has, in grade of
fourth dimension, become so complicated that no man live knows what it means. The
parties to it understand it least, just information technology has been observed that no two
Chancery lawyers can talk almost information technology for 5 minutes without coming to a full
disagreement as to all the premises. Innumerable children accept been born into
the cause; innumerable immature people take married into information technology; innumerable old
people have died out of information technology."
38.  Ian McEwan Amende "It wasn't only wickedness and scheming that made people unhappy, it was
confusion and misunderstanding; above all, it was the failure to grasp the
uncomplicated truth that other people are as existent as you."
39.  George Eliot  Silas Marner "The by becomes dreamy considering its symbols have all vanished, and the
present too is dreamy because information technology is linked with no memories."
40.  Fyodor Dostoevsky   The Gambler "Even as I arroyo the gambling hall, as shortly as I hear, two rooms abroad, the
jingle of coin poured out on the table, I almost become into convulsions."
41.  Honore de Balzac Le Pére Goriot "Our heart is a treasury; if you spend all its wealth at once you are ruined." 42.  John Steinbeck  The Grapes of Wrath "It ain't that big. The whole United States own't that large. Information technology ain't that big. It
ain't large plenty. At that place ain't room enough for you an' me, for your kind an' my
kind, for rich and poor together all in one land, for thieves and honest men.
For hunger and fat."
43.  J.D. Salinger  The Catcher in the Rye "If you really desire to hear about it, the get-go thing y'all'll probably want to know
is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my
parents were occupied and all earlier they had me, and all that David
Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel similar going into it, if you desire to know
the truth."
44.  Jane Austen Emma "I half of the world cannot sympathise the pleasures of the other." 45.  Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre "Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just every bit men
experience; they need practise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much
equally their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a
stagnation, precisely as men would suffer; and information technology is narrow-minded in their
more privileged beau-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves
to making puddings and knitting stockings, to playing on the piano and
embroidering bags"
46.  Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights "A person who has not done 1 half his solar day's work past ten o'clock, runs a
run a risk of leaving the other half undone."
47.  Joseph Conrad  Nostromo "Action is consolatory. Information technology is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering
illusions. Only in the conduct of our action can we find the sense of mastery
over the Fates."
48.  Ken Kesey  One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest "You recall I wuh-wuh-wuh-want to stay in here? You think I wouldn't like a
con-con-vertible and a guh-guh-girl friend? But did you ever have people fifty-fifty-
laughing at y'all? No, because y'all're so b-big and so tough! Well, I'k not big
and tough."
49.  Truman Capote  In Cold Blood "The village of Holcomb stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, a
lonesome area that other Kansans call 'out at that place.'"
50.  Henry James  The American "On a brilliant 24-hour interval in May, in the twelvemonth 1868, a gentleman was reclining at his
ease on the great round divan which at that menstruum occupied the middle of the
Salon Carre, in the Museum of the Louvre."
51.  Charles Dickens  Oliver Twist "Oliver Twist has asked for more!" 52.  Nathaniel West  Miss Lonelyhearts "What did I exercise to deserve such a terrible fate? Even if I did do some bad
things I didnt practice whatever earlier I was a year old and I was built-in this way. I asked
Papa and he says he doesnt know, but that maybe I did something in the
other globe before I was born or that perhaps I was being punished for his sins.
I dont believe that considering he is a very nice human being. Ought I commit suicide?"
53.  John Fowles  The French Lieutenant'due south Woman "We all write poems; it is simply that poets are the ones who write in words." 54.  Jonathan Franzen  The Corrections "The correction, when it finally came, was not a overnight bursting of a bubble
merely a much more gentle letdown, a year long leakage of value from key
fiscal markets, a contraction too gradual to generate headlines and too
predictable to seriously injure everyone only fools and the working poor."
55.  Laurence Sterne  Tristram Shandy "Our armies swore terribly in Flanders," cried my Uncle Toby, "but cipher to
56.  Nathanael West  The Day of the Locust "Around quitting time, Tod Hackett heard a great din on the road exterior his
part. The groan of leather mingled with the jangle of iron and over all crush the
tattoo of a thousand hooves. He hurried to the window."
57.  John Steinbeck  Of Mice and Men "Well, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. I simply like to
know what your interest is"
58.  Joseph Conrad  Lord Jim "Thus in the course of years he was known successively in Bombay, in
Calcutta, in Rangoon, in Penang, in Batavia--and in each of these halting-
places was just Jim the water-clerk. Afterwards, when his swell perception of
the Intolerable drove him away for adept from seaports and white men, even
into the virgin forest, the Malays of the jungle village, where he had elected to
muffle his deplorable faculty, added a word to the monosyllable of his
incognito. They chosen him Tuan Jim: as i might say--Lord Jim."
59.  George Orwell 1984 "Big Brother is watching you." 60.  E.A. Poe  The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket "It will exist seen at once how much of what follows I claim to be my own writing;
and it will too be understood that no fact is misrepresented in the commencement few
pages which were written by Mr. Poe. Fifty-fifty to those readers who have not
seen the Messenger, it will be unnecessary to indicate out where his portion ends
and my own commences; the difference in signal of way will be readily
61.  Evelyn Waugh  Brideshead Revisited "I am non I;  thou art not he or she;  they are not they." 62.  Stendhal  The Charterhouse of Parma "On the 15th of May, 1796, General Bonaparte made his entry into Milan at the
caput of that young army which had presently earlier crossed the Bridge of Lodi
and taught the world that later on all these centuries Caesar and Alexander had a
63.  Willa Cather  Death Comes for the Archbishop "Where at that place is nifty love there are always miracles." 64.  George Orwell  Beast Farm "All animals are equal, just some animals are more equal than others." 65.  James Fenimore Cooper  The Final of the Mohicans "Should we distrust the man because his manners are not our manners, and
that his peel is night?"
66.  Graham Greene  The Power and the Glory "There is always one moment in babyhood when the door opens and lets the
future in."
67.  Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim "Consciousness was upon him before he could exit of the way." 68.  Raymond Chandler The Big Sleep "You were dead, you were sleeping the big slumber, yous were not bothered by
things like that, oil and water were the same every bit air current and air to yous. You just
slept the big sleep, not caring about the nastiness of how y'all died or where
you savage."
69.  J.K. Rowling  Harry Potter and the Magician's Stone "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." 70.  Arthur Conan Doyle  The Hound of the Baskervilles "The globe is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance always
71.  Jack Kerouac  On the Road "So in America when the sun goes downwards and I sit down on the old broken-downwards river
pier watching the long, long skies over New Bailiwick of jersey and sense all that raw state
that rolls in one unbelievable huge bulge over to the West Coast, and all that
road going, and all the people dreaming in the immensity of it... and tonight
the stars'll be out, and don't you know that God is Pooh Bear?"
72.  Rudyard Kipling  Kim "I have seen something of this world," she said over the crowded trays, "and
there are but two sorts of women in it - those who have the forcefulness out of a
human and those who put it back. In one case I was that one, and at present I am this."
73.  Thomas Hardy  Tess of the d'Urbervilles "My life looks every bit if it had been wasted for want of chances! When I see what
yous know, what you take read, and seen, and thought, I feel what a nothing I
74.  Charles Dickens  A Tale of Ii Cities "Information technology is a far, far ameliorate thing that I practise, than I accept ever done; it is a far, far
better balance that I go to than I take ever known."
75.  Philip Roth  American Pastoral "The Swede.  During the state of war years, when I was nevertheless a grade schoolhouse male child, this
was a magical proper name in our Newark neighborhood . . . "
76.  Robert Heinlein  The Moon is a Harsh Mistress " 'Tanstaafl.' Means 'There own't no such thing as a costless tiffin.' " 77.  Mary Shelley  Frankenstein "Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break
through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark earth."
78.  Jonathan Lethem The Fortress of Solitude "Voices in memory you can't proper noun, rich with unresolved yearning:  a song you
one time leaned toward for an instant on the radio before finding it mawkish,
embarrassing, overlush.  Perhaps the song knew something you didn't withal,
something you lot weren't necessarily ready to acquire from the radio. And so, for you
at least, the vocal is lost."
79.  Zane Grayness  Riders of the Regal Sage "Beloved of homo for woman--dear of woman for man. That's the nature, the
meaning, the best of life itself."
lxxx.  William Gibson  Neuromancer "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." 81.  Martin Amis Money "Atrocious things can happen anytime." 82.  Nathaniel Hawthorne  The Scarlet Letter "A pure hand needs no glove to cover it." 83.  Agatha Christie The Murder of Roger Ackroyd "Information technology is completely unimportant. That is why it is so interesting." 84.  William Faulkner  As I Lay Dying "I could simply recollect how my male parent used to say that the reason for living
was to get set to stay dead a long time."
85.  Henry James  Daisy Miller "The immature lady meanwhile had drawn near. She was dressed in white muslin,
with a hundred frills and flounces, and knots of pale-coloured ribbon. She was
bare-headed; but she balanced in her hand a large parasol with a deep edge
of embroidery; and she was strikingly, admirably pretty. 'How pretty they are!'
thought Winterbourne, straightening himself in his seat, as if he were prepared
to rise."
86.  Thomas Hardy  The Return of the Native "The sea changed, the fields inverse, the rivers, the villages, and the people
changed, notwithstanding Egdon remained."
87.   David Foster Wallace  Infinite Jest "The difference betwixt homicide and suicide is mostly a matter of where you
perceive the door tiptop to the cage to be."
88.  Ernest Hemingway  For Whom the Bell Tolls "If you lot accept not seen the day of Revolution in a small-scale town where all know all
in the town and always have known all, you accept seen nada."
89.  Fyodor Dostoevsky  The Possessed "But do you understand, I cry to him, do you sympathise that along with
happiness, in the exact same fashion and in perfectly equal proportion, man also
needs unhappiness!"
ninety.  Leo Tolstoy  The Death of Ivan Ilych "Ivan Ilych saw that he was dying, and he was in continual despair. In the
depth of his heart he knew he was dying, just not only was he not accustomed
to the thought, he just did not and could non grasp information technology."
91.  Thomas Mann Buddenbrooks "Beauty can pierce one like pain." 92.  Leo Tolstoy  The Kreutzer Sonata "It is amazing how complete is the mirage that beauty is goodness." 93.  Virginia Woolf  Mrs. Dalloway "Exterior the trees dragged their leaves like nets through the depths of the air;
the sound of water was in the room and through the waves came the voices of
birds singing."
94.  Charles Dickens  David Copperfield "Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that
station will be held past everyone else, these pages must prove."
95.  Henry James  The Spoils of Poynton "Her relation with her wonderful friend had, however, in condign a new one
begun to shape itself almost wholly on breaches and omissions."
96.  V.Due south. Naipaul   A Bend in the River "Information technology isn't that at that place'south no correct and incorrect here. At that place's no right" 97.  Frank Herbert  Dune "Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife — chopping off what'southward incomplete
and proverb: 'Now it's complete considering information technology'south ended hither.'"
98.  Thomas Hardy  Jude the Obscure "Exercise not practise an immoral thing for moral reasons!" 99.  Philip Thousand. Dick  Valis "What he did non know and so is that it is sometimes an advisable response to
reality is to go insane."
100. Thomas Pynchon  Gravity's Rainbow "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened earlier, but there is
null to compare it to at present."
And lurking under the top 100 Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa:  The Leopard "For things to stay the same, things accept to change." Robert Musil  The Man Without Qualities "He is a man without qualities . . .  At that place are millions of them nowadays . . .
What he thinks of anything will always depend on some possible context --
nothing is, to him, what it is;  everything is subject to change, in flux, part of
a whole, of an infinite number of wholes presumably adding up to a superwhole
that, nonetheless, he knows nothing about.  And so every answer he gives is only a
partial respond, every feeling just an opinion, and he never cares what
something is, only 'how' it is."
Thomas Mann  The Blackness Swan "One of the swans, however, pushing close against the bank, spread its dark
wings and beat the air with them, stretching out its cervix and hissing angrily upwards
at her.  They laughed at its jealousy, but at the aforementioned fourth dimension felt a little afraid."
Cormac McCarthy   Blood Tiptop They rode on and the sun in the eastward flushed pale streaks of lite and and so a
deeper run of color similar blood seeping up in sudden reaches flaring planewise
and where the world tuckered up into the sky at the edge of creation the top of
the sun rose out of zero like the head of a bully cherry phallus until it cleared
the unseen rim and saturday squat and pulsing and malevolent behind them.  The
shadows of the smallest stones lay similar pencil lines across the sand and the
shapes of the men and their mounts advanced elongate before them like
strands of the dark from which they'd ridden, like tentacles to bind them to
the darkness yet to come.


Source: http://www.greatbooksguide.com/OneHundredGreatestNovels.html

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